ProCME Group implements Diversity SeR Programme

ProCME Group implements Diversity SeR Programme


Aware of our role as an active agent for the promotion of employment and social responsibility, we have implemented an inclusive recruitment and career development programme based on diversity.

The Programme is based on 5 action axes: training & development, gender equality, incorporation, inclusion & knowledge.

In order to materialise this Programme, we have implemented a set of actions, by axis and transversal to all 5 axes, and established partnerships with public and private entities (town councils, parish councils, associations, social welfare organisations, technical professional institutions, universities, etc.), which enable us to attract people looking for their first job, unemployment, professional retraining, social vulnerability and immigration, and to attract women to professions traditionally considered masculine. 

Alongside recruitment, schooling and skills development actions will be implemented for both existing and new employees, allowing them to progress in their careers.

The Apprentice School and the signing of the Portuguese Diversity Charter, a European Commission initiative promoted in Portugal by APPDI (Portuguese Association for Diversity and Inclusion), which aims to encourage employers to implement and develop internal policies, and practices, to promote diversity, are some of the already accomplished actions.

For us, only an employability and development culture, capable of providing equal opportunities for all and including all, makes sense. "People are our greatest asset, and it is by them and with them that we want to grow."


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